La configuration du logiciel se fait par le fichier situé dans le dossier config de l’installation.

######################### Bridge Server basics #########################

# Bridge server basics



######################### 3DEXPERIENCE Server basics #########################

# ENOVIA server url

# http://<URL>:<PORT>/<NOCAS application>



# ENOVIA system administrator user



# ENOVIA system administrator user



# Temporary path used by the workers

# This is a UNC path.

# Needs full accesses on it

# A voir si peut être mergé avec visbridge.config.checkout.temp.path


#########################  Techcenter configuration #########################


# https://<URL>/vdoc

visbridge.config.techcenter.url =

# TechCenter administrator user


visbridge.config.techcenter.login = sysadmin

# TechCenter administrator user


visbridge.config.techcenter.password = *****

# The following configuration specifies the time, in seconds, the worker will wait for a response from Techcenter application.

# An error is returned and displayed if the connection has failed

visbridge.config.techcenter.timeout.sec = 30

# Temporary path used to checkout the files from ENOVIA

# This is a UNC path.

# Needs full accesses on it

visbridge.config.checkout.temp.path = \\\\VSOL-DEV2017X/visbridge-temp

# The following configuration specifies the attributes to publish to TechCenter application

# This is a comma separated EnoviaAttributeName:TechCenterAttributeName pairs

# The Enovia attribute name must be the real name in the database

# The Techcenter attribute must be configured in the document type

visbridge.techcenter.attributes = Checkin Reason:checkinreason;Revision:revision

######################### ERP related configuration #########################

# Location of the root elements exported from the 3DEXPERIENCE application

# This is a UNC path

# Property à renommer ==> visbridge.erp.export.path

visbridge.config.checkout.erp.path = \\\\VSOL-DEV2017X/visbridge-temp/erp/export

# Location of the temporary folder for the files during the export

# Relative to the erp export path

# Property à renommer ==> visbridge.erp.export.files.path

visbridge.config.checkout.erp.path.files.folder = export

# Location of the root elements to import in the 3DEXPERIENCE application

# This is a UNC path

# Property à renommer ==> visbridge.erp.import.path

visbridge.erp.checkreponse.path = \\\\VSOL-DEV2017X/visbridge-temp/erp/import

# Location of the elements really imported to the 3DEXPERIENCE application

# They are named "archive" elements

# This is a UNC path

# Property à renommer ==> visbridge.erp.import.archive.path

visbridge.erp.checkreponse.path.pending = \\\\VSOL-DEV2017X/visbridge-temp/erp/import/archive

# Location of the XSL transformation file for the EXPORT process

# This is a UNC path

# Property à renommer ==> visbridge.erp.export.xsl

visbridge.erp.xsl.stylesheet = \\\\VSOL-DEV2017X/visbridge-temp/erp/export/xsl/sample.xsl

# Location of the XSL transformation file for the IMPORT process

# This is a UNC path

# Property à renommer ==> visbridge.erp.import.xsl

visbridge.erp.import.xsl.stylesheet = \\\\VSOL-DEV2017X/visbridge-temp/erp/import/xsl/sample.xsl

# Adding a prefix to the XML file name after XSL transformation operation = TRA-

# Date format sent by the ERP in the IMPORT files for each attribute = MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss aaa

# List of relationships traveled for BOM, separated by a comma

# The direction is FROM ==> TO


visbridge.erp.child.relationship = EBOM

# List of relationships traveled for CAD Specification, separated by a comma

# The direction is FROM ==> TO


visbridge.erp.partspecification.relationship = Part Specification

# List of relationships traveled for Viewables, separated by a comma

# The direction is FROM ==> TO


# Associated Drawing n'est pas un viewable, séparer en 2 property

visbridge.erp.viewable.relationship = Viewable,Associated Drawing,VPMRepInstance

# List of relationships traveled for reference documents, separated by a comma

# The direction is FROM ==> TO


visbridge.erp.document.relationship = Reference Document

# List of relationships traveled for classification, separated by a comma

# The direction is FROM ==> TO


visbridge.erp.classification.relationship = Classified Item

# Relationship name used to locate the minor object of the DOCUMENTS enovia data model

visbridge.erp.native.relationship = Latest Version

# List of relationships in which extract files

visbridge.erp.relationship.extract.files = ROOT,Part Specification,Viewable,Associated Drawing,VPMRepInstance,Reference Document

# List of relationships in which extract attributes

visbridge.erp.relationship.extract.attributes = ROOT,Part Specification,Part Specification,Viewable,Associated Drawing,VPMRepInstance,Reference Document

# The following configuration specifies the time, in seconds, the worker will delay the export if the enovia businessobjets are locked by another process in the database.

# This configuration is related to visbridge.erp.export.timer.attempt.number property.

# visbridge.erp.export.timer.sleep.sec * visbridge.erp.export.timer.attempt.number = maximum time for an export to be a success

# 10 * 180 = 30 minutes

# The default value for this is 10 seconds.

visbridge.erp.export.timer.sleep.sec = 10

# The following configuration specifies the number of retry the worker will try to export the enovia businessobjets if they are locked by another process in the database.

# This configuration is related to visbridge.erp.export.timer.sleep.sec property.

# visbridge.erp.export.timer.sleep.sec * visbridge.erp.export.timer.attempt.number = maximum time for an export to be a success

# 10 * 180 = 30 minutes

# The default value for this is 180.

visbridge.erp.export.timer.attempt.number = 180

Chemins importants :




C:\Users\<user>\VirtualBox VMs\moovapps2kafka

./ --delete --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test3DEXPERIENCEevent

 ./ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181

 ./ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic event

 ./ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic event --from-beginning

vagrant@moovapps2kafka:/opt/kafka/bin$ ./ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic event

kafka-topics.bat --describe --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic event

 Création de messages au format JSON