Operation possible on the drawings.

This operation allows to create, by copying an existing drawing, the drawings of all the files selected by changing references. Saving is done in a specific folder.

Example :

Saving all selected drawings takes as a template the file ''.Piston.slddrw''.

Selection 1: ''Specify a folder above for the generated files''


The files will be saved in the '' directoryD:\Samples\180-IntegrationPlans''.

In this case we specify a folder without taking into account the renaming options.

Selection 2: ''Using the 'Option/Naming Rules' program options


The plans will be saved in the '' directoryD:\Formation SW\Clients\Plans'' specified in the naming rules.

With this solution you don't specify an export folder, the location will be defined in the options of the utility (Naming rules), as well as the file naming rules.


The model can be a standard plane (with model represented) or an empty plane with predefined views.