This window displays the list of search folders declared in SOLIDWORKS.

- List of research files :


This list is created automatically when the utility is opened. It retrieves all the files declared in the SOLIDWORKS referenced documents.


- Deleting folders :


- To remove a folder from the list, select the folder(s) in the list and click on the Delete. It is also possible to use the keyboard key ''.Delete''.

- To remove all folders from the list, click on the Delete All.

After deleting one or more folders in the utility list, click the Apply to update the list ofReferenced documents'' in SOLIDWORKS.


- Deleting files ''Project 3'' and ''Project 4''.



- Click on the button Apply

- A warning window appears, click on OK.


- A window appears to display the new list of search folders. If there is an error, it is possible to cancel, otherwise validate the list with the button OK.


- In SOLIDWORKS, the list has been modified.