By a simple drag and drop we drop the icon ''.Counterto the desired location in the column ''.Properties''. Or ''Double click'' on the icon ''.Counter''.

The type ''Counter'' allows to increment a property on each document by creating a unique property. This property can be used to name the documents (see  the options of  naming).


If this property is already present in the document it is recovered in the input mask but is not incremented. However, you can force the incrementation by using the button ''Indicer'', in this case you must check the option ''Indicer''.Display a button to add an incrementto add the button in the input mask.

The button allows you to set up the counters.

See the setting of the counters in the paragraph ''SmartCounter''.

It is possible to set a counter if a property changes.

  The property is to be selected from the drop-down list.

If configurations exist in the document, it is possible to take a new counter number for each configuration.