When views have been arranged in the page definitionIt's a good idea to save these settings for future use.

This setting must be saved before running the process, otherwise all is lost!

Click on the to save the file. This file is in "xml" format; if it is to be shared by several users, you can save it in a network directory. This file is independent of the template (drwdot) used.

When exporting, the graphic information linked to the pages is stored:

  • Number of groups per page.
  • Number of views per page.
  • Group positions.
  • Horizontal deviation value for each group.
  • Vertical deviation value for each group.

The value "Offset Annotation is not saved in this file. However, each time the AssemblyBoardthe last value used is recalled.

To use a previously saved view layout, click on the . It can then be used as is, or modified and exported again if required.