
Bulk import and export of SOLIDWORKS documents

Optimize import/export tasks


BatchConverter automatically converts a list of SOLIDWORKS documents (Parts, Assemblies or Drawings) into all formats supported by SOLIDWORKS (DXF, TIFF, PDF, IGES, ...).

With BatchConverter save over 16 hours of work per project!

The calculation is simple: in a project of 200 drawings, if it takes an average of 5 minutes to export a document, that's 16 hours of low value-added tasks.


Video presentation


View a technical presentation of the tool below BatchConverter.


Key features

    • Import/Export of all formats supported by SOLIDWORKS.
    • Works with SOLIDWORKS Composer.
    • Ability to create a document by configuration.
    • Transforms a document with N configurations into N separate documents.
    • Choice of creative repertoire result files.
    • Connection to PDM safe.

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