• Properties :

Property read and apply options are often used to retrieve a property value from a custom configuration and apply it to a document property.

This section covers two concepts.

The first notion "Reading properties is used to read properties when the will be used.

For example, this option will be used to retrieve a property value from a configuration using "Value of another property".


From document the properties retrieved will be those defined in the "Customize" tab of the referenced SOLIDWORKS file.

From active configuration The properties retrieved will be those of the configuration active at the time the SOLIDWORKS file is saved.

Since 1st configuration The properties retrieved will be those of the first configuration present in the referenced SOLIDWORKS file. This is generally the "Default" configuration.

From the configuration named The properties retrieved are those of a specific configuration. In the example above, we'll retrieve the properties specific to the ''Open Position'' configuration of the referenced SOLIDWORKS file. Similarly, the wildcard character "*" can be used.


From all configurations : all properties specific to all configurations in the referenced SOLIDWORKS file will be retrieved, but not those of custom properties.

From the document and all configurations All properties specific to all configurations in the referenced SOLIDWORKS file will be retrieved, as well as the document's custom properties.

The second notion"Application of properties concerns the way properties are written to selected files.


On the document properties will be applied in the "Customize" tab of the listed files.

On active configurationproperties will be applied to the active configuration of the listed files.

On the 1st configuration properties will be applied to the first configuration present in the listed files. This is usually the "Default" configuration.

On the configuration named properties will be applied to a specific configuration. In the example above, checking this option will apply the specific properties to the "Palletization" configuration of the files listed.

On all configurations properties will be applied to all configurations of the listed files.

On the document and all configurations The properties retrieved will be applied to all configurations, listed files and custom document properties.


For the last 2 property reading options "From all configurations and "From the document and all configurationsWhen either of these options is checked, the same option is automatically checked for the application of properties.