This is where you set the behavior of folders created in the FeatureManager, as well as the behavior of sketch constraints and created planes. The name given here will be used in the function naming of the FeatureManager.

A default name is proposed and is incremented if the tool is used several times in the same model.

  • When the '' optionRemove all sketch constraintsWhen '' is ticked, sketches are under-constrained: coincidence constraints, intersection constraints ... are removed.
  • When the '' optionRemove all sketch constraints'' is checked and the result type ''A single 3D sketchis requested, it is possible to check or uncheck the '' option.Delete all section plans''.
  • When the '' optionDon't let plans go to wasteIf the '' option is ticked, if no intersection is found between a created plane and the entities to be cut, this plane is not retained. If you wish to keep empty planes, leave this option unchecked.