• ''Separator'' :

For coordinate files in text format (txt), you need to specify which character will be detected as the separator. You can choose from a drop-down list ''./'' '','' '':'' '';''



In this text file, the values to be taken into account have decimals, so the separator must be ''.;''. If there are only 2 values per line, a 2D sketch will be created; if the line contains 3 values, a 3D sketch will be created (provided that the curve type selected is not ''2D sketch''). If a series of values is separated by an empty line, several entities will be created.


  • ''Units'' :

Whatever the file format used, the unit of values must be indicated here.


  • ''2D sketch'' :

2D sketches can be generated on a plane offset in Z from the face or plane selected in 2D sketch options.

The Z offset value will be taken from the coordinate file (third value if in text format, or third column if in Excel format).

A tolerance value is specified for the Z reading. In other words, if the values are not strictly identical, values beyond the tolerance will not be taken into account.

  • ''Coordinate type'' :

To interpret the coordinates retrieved from the files, 2 types are available ''.Cartesian'' or ''Fleece''.

If the '' typeFleece'' is selected, it is necessary to specify whether the value read is expressed in ''.Degreeor in Radian''.


  • ''Delete multiple points'' :

Generally speaking, coordinate files come from precise surveys or are derived from calculation formulas. On some lines, the 3 values may be identical or very close. In this case, it is not advisable to keep these coordinates, to avoid generating points that are too close together or lines that are too small. Rules can be set to ignore these coordinates.



    • ''No'': all coordinates will be processed to generate the entity.

In this case, all contact details will be retained.

    • ''All'': all coordinates within the specified tolerance will be suppressed and therefore ignored to generate the entity, only the first coordinate encountered will be taken into account.

In this case, all crossed-out coordinates will not be saved.

    • ''Consecutive only'': only coordinates within the specified tolerance and following each other will be deleted and therefore ignored when generating the entity.

In this case, all crossed-out coordinates will not be saved.

    • ''Ends only'': if the first and last coordinates are within the specified tolerance, the last one will be ignored to generate the entity.

In this case, the last coordinate will not be retained.