Once a printer has been selected, it is necessary to choose a print format. A list is provided of all the formats available for this type of equipment.


Then, for the selected format, you can :

  • Adjust line thicknesses .

This button is only available if the active document is a drawing.


A specific value is set for each line thickness. By clicking on we retrieve the line thicknesses set in the document's SOLIDWORKS options.

  • Set the margins to be used .

Printer margins Specific margins


  • Specify print orientation horizontal or vertical, or have the "EasyPrint" tool automatically select the orientation according to the format being analyzed.


  • Force automatic scaling .
  • Specify the drawing sheets to be printed.
    • Print all sheets
    • Printing the active sheet
    • Printing certain pages, sheet numbers separated by the '' character;'' (example 1;3;6)

The button to launch the overview before printing the document.

Start printing by pressing the .