In the FeatureManager, the second zone allows you to specify the font for edge modification.

Select a color:



Then select a line thickness and type:


For future use, once font information has been set, it can be saved as a favorite.

Click on the to enter the name of the favorite to be saved.

  • To create a new combination (favorites), the list must be set to . If a favorite is already selected from the list, click on this icon to modify it. These favorites are then available in a drop-down list. For the moment, this list of favorites is saved in the tool's installation directory. FaceFonts


  • To delete a favorite, simply select it from the list and click on the icon . If this icon is inactive this means that the list is set to.


  • It is possible to assign a ''Custom sizeIn this case, you can enter the line thickness in the field provided.


  • It is always possible to go back in time to restore the default font of a face's edges. To do this, simply select the face(s) and click on ''.Restore default font'' .