The document under test is a part, assembly or drawing.

The operation applies if one or more documents exist at the specified location -. "Location to be tested".

This zone can contain :

  • Either a filename with its directory and therefore check its presence in the specified location.
  • Either use system variables to define the location :
    • User profile variables (UserProfile, AppData, Desktop, etc.)
    • System-related variables (ProgramData, CommonProgramFiles, etc ...)
    • Document variables (Directory, Name, PathName, etc ...)
  • It is also possible to use certain characters to define a pattern (filename filter): * and ?

       For example:

- *.sld??? take into account all SOLIDWORKS document types

- *.sldprt will take into account all SOLIDWORKS part documents

- 080*.sld???? will take into account all SOLIDWORKS document types whose name begins with 080

Example We want to check that there are no SOLIDWORKS documents (Part, Assembly or Drawing) saved on the desktop.