Extraction options are used by PilotAssembly when building the table.

All you have to do is check or uncheck certain options and fill in any additional information. filters.

Force resolution of lightweight components Force or not force reconstruction of components if they are in a light state in the assembly tree.

Extract the contents of deleted components Component information can be retrieved even if the component is in the "Deleted" state.

Extract all component occurrences This function retrieves the number of all repetitions or occurrences in the assembly.

Display components : recovery of all components (part and assembly). This option is checked by default.

Display odds Select whether or not to retrieve part dimensions. For example, filter only radius and diameter dimensions.

Display global variables whether or not to retrieve the file's global variables.

Display properties file properties can be retrieved or not, and it is possible to retrieve only certain properties.

Display Constraints : whether or not to recover assembly constraints.

Display weldment list properties Weld item property retrieval, with the option of retrieving only certain properties.

Display functions The following options are available: whether or not to retrieve all part functions, or to retrieve only certain functions.

Browse only the first level of components Allows you to block the reading of the assembly at the first assembly level.

Read alert if table is not empty Warning: displays a warning message after clicking on the read button if the Excel sheet is not empty.

Extract each configuration used The "Component configuration" function allows you to separate all configurations of the same component used in the assembly (e.g. a screw used several times in different configurations).

Retrieve evaluated property values : retrieves property values as calculated, e.g. :

    • A ''D1@Esquisse2'' dimension equal to ''20'', PilotAssembly will retrieve the value ''20''.
    • A property recovering the ''SW-Material@fichier.SLDPRT'' material from a ''Galvanized steel'' component, PilotAssembly will retrieve the value ''Galvanized steel''.