For the generation location, we use thefield generation tool to retrieve variables and build a specific rule based on the selected structure option.

You can also click on the to define a location manually and then add a :

In the above example, if the value of the Project is equal to Visiativthen the duplication will be in "D:\SamplesmyCADtools2021\ProjectManager\Visiativ"

If you choose as structure option "Flatten into a single file"or "Keep the entire folder structure"This is the value of property. Project of the head assembly is taken into account.

Structure option :

- Flatten into a single file This option groups all duplicated files in a flat folder.

- Keep the entire folder structure This option recreates the Windows tree structure, so that the same folder structure can be found in the duplication location. The first common folder is taken into account.

- Create a dynamic location based on the value of a property defined for each component This option creates a dynamic location for each file based on the value of a defined variable.


In this example, we want to create a subfolder for each property value. Project. In this way, files with the same value for the Project will go into the same folder and those with another value will go into another folder, etc...

In our assembly and the files that make it up, the property Project is equal to 290 on certain documents and 500 on others.

If we run the duplication, we obtain at the "D:\SamplesmyCADtools2021\ProjectManager"two subfolders 290 and 500 with automatically distributed documents :