The list of materials can be long, and the selection can be difficult.

To facilitate this choice, click on the "Use filters" button. .


The identifies a custom property present on at least one of the materials from all the databases.

In the example above, there are 4 properties: ''Financial Impact'', ''Provenance'', ''Treatment'' and ''Type''.

The indicates one of the material's mechanical properties from all the databases: Poisson's ratio, conductivity, density, etc.

If you wish to filter the display of materials according to a particular characteristic, simply check it off. then choose from the drop-down list to refine the sorting. Leave the '' sign*'' indicates that you wish to display all materials with this characteristic.

Example :


In the example above, we want to display all materials with :

  • The '' propertyProvenance'' equal to ''Europe''.
  • The '' propertyTreatment'' equal to ''Case-hardened''.
  • The '' propertyType'' present whatever its description ('''*'').

This gives the following result: 1 single material''. 1023 Carbon steel sheet(SS)'', among all the bases, meets these criteria.


If you often use certain materials that meet particular criteria, it can be useful to save filter favourites. . These files have the extension ''..mcfvr''. These favorites are saved in the directory specified in ''.Options'' of the ''SelectMaterial'' utility.


To reload a filter favorite, simply click on the ''Open a favorite'' icon. . These favorites are saved in the directory specified in the ''.Options'' of the ''SelectMaterial'' utility. But this icon allows you to open a favorite saved in another location.


To deselect all filters, simply click on the "Deselect all" icon. .


Once filters have been activated, they are not necessarily visible at first glance in the list. By clicking on the "Sort by selection" button brings all selected filters to the top of the list.


To initialize the filter list, simply click on the "Reload default list" button. .


When filter favorites have been saved and the directory has been specified in the ''.Options'' of the ''SelectMaterial'' utility, the icon is accessible from the SelectMaterial function bar. Simply select the favorite from the list.


By clicking on the from Optionsyou can set a number of parameters.