In this section, we set the information for exporting BOMs in Excel format.

The first tab allows you to :

  • Specify the folder where your Excel BOM examples (templates) are saved. You can select templates in "xls" or "xlsx" format.


The BOM can be inserted from a particular position (column-line) if, for example, there is information to be displayed before the BOM (e.g. logo, date, company information etc.). Please note that one sheet per BOM, specified in the project, will be automatically created in the Excel export file.

Example :


"Add column with document image"If this option is checked, the result will be as follows:


  • Specify the directory and name of the BOM export file. If you don't change the name, it will be automatically incremented (Example: SmartBom, SmartBom1, SmartBom2 etc ...). This folder can be located locally or on the network, so that it can be shared with several workstations.


There are two possible solutions for choosing the location of Excel export files :

Either select a directory, or specify that the Excel file is to be exported to the assembly folder.

The name of the export file can be customized:



  • The file can be given the same name as the assembly.
  • The name can be designated.

  • The name can retrieve the name of an assembly property.
  • The name can be the name of the assembly's active configuration.
  • The name can retrieve the increment of a counter defined with the SmartProperties tool.

The ''File name'', can be composed using the characters ''&to concatenate values.



You can request that this dialog box be opened when the file is saved, in order to modify its name or directory, or simply to update a BOM that has already been extracted. .

  • Check a few more options.


BOM title: Displays the name of the BOM defined in the project in the BOM header.

Keep font for export to Excel: When the font has been modified this font can be retained by checking this box, otherwise the font defined in the Excel template will be applied.

Show this window when exporting to Excel: This dialog box can be opened when the file is saved.

Do not export column names: If this option is checked, column names will not be displayed in the Excel BOM.

Do not resize columns in Excel: If this option is ticked, column sizing is not applied and columns remain in the template state.