• Odds selection :

- The selection can be made directly by clicking on the dimensions in the graphics area.


- Or in the window ''Selected oddsYou can then sort by dimension type.


- Or by using the buttons in the '' frameAutomatic selection''.

Automatic selection only applies to dimensions created in the active document.


This lets you select all the dimensions in the document, or just specific ones.

Select only linear dimensions created in active document.

Select only diameter dimensions created in active document.

Select only radius dimensions created in active document.

Select only corner dimensions created in active document.

Select only ordinal ratings created in active document.

Select all dimensions created in active document.

Select only other dimension types created in active document.

Advanced selection (see below).


  • Advanced selection :

 Advanced selection only concerns dimensions created in the active document.

The button to add renamed ratings.


- The '' optionRenamed odds'', only retrieves ratings manually renamed by the user.

Reminder Renaming the dimension in SOLIDWORKS :


- The '' optionDimensions with prefix'' or ''Dimensions with suffix'', retrieves only those dimensions in which a prefix or suffix has been added by the user.


Adding a dimension prefix in SOLIDWORKS :


  • Selected odds management :

- You can select one or more dimensions and delete them using the '' button.Delete'' from the keyboard.


- Right-click to delete the selected dimension ''.Deselect'' or all selected odds ''.Deselect All''.


- It is also possible to view the dimension in 3D. The dimension will be ''framed'' in the graphics window and highlighted.