In this area, you can set certain options to influence the results and preview.
- Delete original body :
allows you to delete the initial body that allowed the ''.cut''. Once the surfaces have been created, the body is deleted using function SOLIDWORKS
''Remove the body...''.
- Hide original body:
hides the initial body that allowed the ''cut''. Once the surfaces have been created, the body is hidden using the SOLIDWORKS function
''Hide surface body''.
- Set the colors of the bodies created :
allows you to specify the color of the first and last bodies created.
All bodies created between these two colors will take on a random color.
If you don't want gradient colors for the bodies created, simply set the same color for the first and last body.
- Detach result from history :
breaks the link between the bodies created and the original body. Bodies created in this way are considered as imported bodies.