Users working in a SOLIDWORKS PDM vault often need to generate links to documents in the database. Since the PDM database is duplicated in a local folder on the workstation, it is difficult to obtain a link that is valid for any architecture.

A function integrated in SOLIDWORKS PDM now makes it possible to create this link.

In addition to creating these same links, the CopyLink from the suite myPDMtools allows you to quickly generate a fully customizable table incorporating links and metadata from a multi-selection of files, an introduction and a conclusion.


To set up a message template containing an array, simply launch myPDMtools and select the CopyLink section:


We will now "Add" an advanced CopyLink menu:


You must then name the contextual menu that will be generated when you right-click on a file or a list of files:


Then create a PDMMessage template by clicking on

This window allows you to fully configure the message that will be sent:


After naming the template, we will set up the recipients by clicking on

In this example, we will select a fixed recipient, but the recipient can also be defined :

  • In a PDM variable
  • Depending on condition
  • Depending on the location of the processed files


By clicking on "Definition", it will be possible to configure the content of the e-mail for each section:


For example, for the introduction, we will add a simple text:


We will then define an array that will allow to display PDM and system variables of the file or links that will allow to display or open the file for example :


Finally, we will add a conclusion that will end the email with the name of the logged-in user who launched the CopyLink advanced menu:


When you have finished setting up the advanced CopyLink menu, simply launch the new context menu on the desired file selection: