Typed Requests Director (in blue the required parameters) :

- A query that checks whether a maintenance task must be applied in order to 'Reorganize', 'Rebuild' the indexes to improve performance.

- Query to display the variable mappings.

- Query to retrieve main operations with details for a specific user and a particular date. this request requires a lot of system resources. you should try to limit the range particular date.

- Query to retrieve all extracted files on a specific job.

- Query to list the restored files.

- Query to list the duplicate files with details. (The search can be based on the document name or on a variable value)

For this query, it is possible to filter the results by using a filter on extension, the wildcard character * can be used to filter on SOLIDWORKS files for example, e.g. sld*, to specify several extensions, just separate them with a ;

When the search is performed on a variable value, it is possible to ignore the duplicate when it is the room and its plan.

- Query to list the deleted files for a specific file with details.

- Query to see everywhere where a variable in the trunk.

- Query to list revision history for a specific file.

- Query allowing to list for a specific file and a period documents in a special condition.

               This query has 3 filter options:

      • None => The query lists all the documents that have passed into the selected state
      • Keep only the most recent status change => When this option is activated, if a document goes through a status several times, only the most recent status change line will be kept
      • Consider only the previous state => When this option is enabled, the user will list the documents in the selected previous state and not the state in which a document has passed


- Request to see system history.

- Queries to list inherited user rights or inherited folder rights

- Request to see the size of a project on the disk.

- Request to list the permissions of inherited and explicit group folders in the vault.

- Request to list the permissions of inherited and explicit user folders in the vault.

- Request to see the to-do list for a user on a period.

- Query to list documents that arrive in the state is used to list the documents that are likely to arrive in the selected report The flow and status of the document must be filled in If no folder is selected, the query is applied to the entire PDM vault

- Query to find the documents that have a specific variable value.

For this query, it is possible to filter the results by using a filter on extension, the wildcard character * can be used to filter on SOLIDWORKS files for example, e.g. sld*, to specify several extensions, just separate them with a ;

- Query listing plans that are not associated with a 3D document.

- Query listing documents that have references outside the safe. It is possible to specify the extension of the documents to be tested and/or the extension of the references to be tested

- Customized queries can be created

Query from PDMCheck:

(You can find more information and examples for these queries in the PDMCheck)

- Query to retrieve documents for which the BOM contains deleted documents

- Query for list empty folders

- Request Checking a BOM for the latest version allows you to list documents that are not not in the latest version List of extensions to analyze separated by a ;

- Request for Checking documents with prohibited characters  List of characters to be analyzed separated by a ;

- A 3D document is not associated with a drawing lists the documents without drawing The flow and status of the document must be filled in

- A 3D document is not associated with a 3D document list documents without parent The flow and status of the document must be filled in

- The BOM contains status inconsistencies This option allows you to check the BOM for report inconsistencies with the selected parameters. List of extensions to analyze separated by a ;

The flow and the status of the document are to be filled in for the Parent and the children

- The request Checking file names with PDM information allows to list documents according to concatenations of variables

Some requests require parameters such as the machine name for example:


Or the selection of a PDM folder:

For the period settings, a date range can be defined:


Or an automatic period such as:


Queries that require folder selection will use the root of the vault as a starting point to avoid problems with PDM view locations: