By clicking on this icon You can specify the types of SOLIDWORKS documents or other Windows files to be considered for selection or only consider folders. It is also possible to ask to select only files that meet certain criteria such as :

  • Files with a variable equal or different to a certain value.
  • Files having a variable with a specific value.
  • Etc...

The following dialog box appears:


  • Type of documents to be processed
    • Files :

Check the file types that theAdding documents will propose. One or more types can be activated. In this case only files can be selected.

    • Dossiers :

If this option is checked, only the files in the list will be processed. If files are displayed nevertheless, they will not be taken into account during processing.

  • Filters In this part of the dialog box, you can select some variables that meet selection criteria:
    • If the variable exists.
    • If the variable is Equal to a particular description.
    • If the variable is Different from a certain description.
    • If the variable Contains a string.