List options
The List options can be modified by clicking here:
The next window allows you to modify the list options:
It is possible to display the list of files to be processed via a command in the context menu:
The option adds an entry in the contextual menu, with the text entered:
It is also possible to allow the deletion of documents from the list:
If the option is unchecked, then the user will not be able to delete items from the list and will be warned by a warning message:
Column management:
To modify columns in the list, use the icon:
Then fill in the column ID:
To select the variable to be displayed, click on the and define the name of the variable:
The order of the columns can be changed with the arrows:
The result will then appear in the list display:
It is impossible to delete a system column:
To hide a column, it is possible to reduce the display width to 0, for example to hide the Date Added: