Definition of Xml transformations
This screen allows the addition, modification and deletion of XML transformations.
The following interface proposes the addition of transformations by defining the following information:
- Type of export
- Article: Transformation file on the article XML file. It is possible to specify the relevant article class.
- Article (global file): Transformation file applied on all the XML file of articles without taking into account the notion of class.
- BOM: Transformation file on the XMl file of BOMs.
- Material class: The user can specify the class of material concerned by the transformation, in the case of an export type 'Material'.
- XSL file location: Full path of the XSL file used for the transformation.
A sample XSL file is proposed in this help, to realize a fixed text format.
- Creation of a new file: name of the new file created, in this case the original file will not be in the export folder.
With this option you can create several files from the Article or Bill of Material file.
By right-clicking on a transformation in the list of transformations, it is possible to modify an existing transformation, or to delete it.