To modify an existing table, simply right-click on the "Scoreboard" table in the construction tree and select "Edit definition". In this way, you can add rows, or select a row to modify information (number, comments, .... symbol) by choosing the desired values in the module window.

It is always possible, in edit mode, to choose or redefine a new table.

  By clicking in this area, you can redefine the point of origin if this needs to be modified. The pointing coordinates in the table will be recalculated by pressing the SOLIDWORKS "Reconstruct" function, or by pressing "Ctrl + Q" on the keyboard.

By clicking on a line of the table it is possible to change the symbol of the hole pointed at.

  When you press this button, the utility retrieves all S holes that have been drilled using the "Drilling Library" tool.

By clicking on one of these buttons, you can sort the rows of the table in ascending or descending order. You can also sort each column of the table directly by clicking on the column header.

Be careful, the first line of the table will not be taken into account by the sorting as it is generally the origin.