If you have maintenance  SOLIDWORKSyou have the right:

  • Software support from VISIATIV's technical department.
  • Access to myCADservices Support subscription. For more information on myCADservices Support,  click here.
  • Access to the SOLIDWORKS customer portal :  https://customerportal.solidworks.com
  • Downloading new software versions.
  • Download software updates.
  • To the SOLIDWORKS knowledge base.

To access the SOLDIWORKS customer portal, you must first create an account by entering your email address and a SOLIDWORKS serial number currently under maintenance.

For more information on the VISIATIV maintenance contract for SOLIDWORKS products  click here.

If you have maintenance CATIAyou are entitled to :

  • Software support provided by VISIATIV's technical department.
  • Access to myCADservices Support subscription. For more information on myCADservices Support,  click here.
  • The provision of major versions and updates of the software on request, when available.
  • Taking into account customer requests for problems encountered during routine use of the software, i.e. in the context of its standard functions and limitations.
  • The supply of license keys for software operation.
  • Access to the DASSAULT SYSTEMES customer portal :  www.3ds.com/support

For more information on the VISIATIV maintenance contract for CATIA products  click here.