License number :

You can find your SOLIDWORKS license number in 2 places:

  • In your delivery note. Following the purchase of a SOLIDWORKS license from VISIATIV, your company received a delivery note by e-mail. This delivery note specifies the serial number of your license (24 characters).
  • On the myCADservices platform, in your personal area  My contracts. Your SOLIDWORKS license can be found in the column entitled "Serial number" on the "MYCADSERVICES PREMIUM" line.

Download your software :

You can download your software by  click here.

For further information, an installation guide is available at  click here.

Activate a fixed license :

After installation, you have 30 days to activate your license. After this period, your license will cease to function.

Activation takes place directly if your station is connected to the Internet, or by email if not.

For more information, an activation guide is available at  click here.

Activate a floating license :

Simply install the license manager on the network station of your choice and activate the license server.

You'll find the license manager installation setup in the SOLIDWORKS download. If necessary, you can contact our technical support team, who will send you an installation guide.

Update to a new version :

If you wish to install a major new version, it is strongly recommended that you uninstall the old version rather than updating it. In this case, remember to save your customizations.

Please check that any third-party products you use (PDM, CAM, etc.) are compatible with this new version. In any case, if you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact technical support.

Installing a fixed SOLIDWORKS license on another workstation :

Before uninstalling SOLIDWORKS or disposing of the old station,  think about releasing your SOLIDWORKS licenseOtherwise, you will no longer be able to activate your license on the new station.

To do this, start SOLIDWORKS and release your license using "? / Transfer licenses ... ".