By choosing this type of column, you can ask for a '' numbering ''.Detailed'', ''Flat'' or ''Linked to a BOM table'' as well as the start and increment of the numbering.

The numbering order can be set in the general options


Detailed numbering                 Flat numbering 


Numbering linked to a BOM table :


This numbering is chosen when a bill of material is already present in the document being scanned (assembly drawing).

Indeed, the numbering may have already been modified and personalized. SmartBom can therefore recover this numbering.

To do this, it is necessary to make some adjustments. ''General optionsopens the following window:


To select an existing directory you can use the . Once selected, it must be added to the ''Add'' list.

It is possible to specify the search on systematic locations.

  • Retrieve the file of the processed document. This instruction is materialized by ''.<Document>'' in the way.
  • ''<Up>'' goes back to the previous file.
  • ''Plans'' says the location file.

This instruction is used when the files always have the same structure, it allows to standardize the searches.

Then you have to specify the position of the '' columnBenchmarks'', if it is the first column you have to put ''.0''. Then we indicate the position of the column containing the value of the property. This property must be present and unique in all the files contained in the BOM. SmartBom uses this property to retrieve the number of the corresponding marker.

In the case where several components are present in sub-assemblies (use of configurations: e.g. screws, library elements, family of parts etc.), SmartBom will stop on the first component of the table.

Example :

In the drawing I have a bill of materials of which I modified the order of some components (by moving them with the mouse).

This drawing must be registered beforehand.


Result: The BOM requested in the tool SmartBom must retrieve this numbering. The sorting must be done, for example, on the property'' Description'' positioned in the second column (starting with 0).

Identical numbering.

Whereas if the type of numbering requested is ''.Detailed'' or ''Flat'' the result is as follows: