When this option is checked, SmartProperties records the full path of the XML file used in the XmlPath property (in our example) during validation.

Once this option is checked and the property exists, when SmartProperties is launched, it will no longer take into account the XML file options according to the type of document. It will open the XML file specified in the property.


When using a "Linking to other XML files  "This is done so that when properties are applied with an input mask, the same input mask is automatically used when the program is launched later.

If you want to have a different input mask for commercial parts or manufacturing parts and you have different document templates for these two types, simply create and fill in this property in the document template, SmartProperties will then launch the right mask according to the chosen document template.

In case of multi-selection of components in an assembly this property will not be created even if the option is checked.

''Do not change this property automatically ...'' : SmartProperties will only read the property and display the corresponding input mask.

If you want to modify the property you will have to do it manually in your SmartProperties input masks or in the SOLIDWORKS document templates (dot extension).