By a simple drag and drop we drop the icon ''.Linking to other Xml filesto the desired location in the column ''.Properties''. Or ''Double click'' on the icon ''.Linking to other Xml files''. (xml files).

This type of property allows you to switch from one input mask to another without going through the parameterization. If you want, for example, to create different properties for production parts, commercial parts or parts from a subcontractor, simply select the desired Xml file from the drop-down menu.


We find, in the box ''List of XML links'', a drop-down menu with the paths of Xml files to use.

If you want to modify the list, just select ''.Modify the menu...''

You can open another text file by clicking on the    to the right of the drop-down menu. It is a file simply created in any text editor.

In the example above the file used by the interface is ''.SmartProperties_XmlPathFiles.txt''.


Here is the result of the display in SOLIDWORKS.


If you are navigating through several input masks, you must remember to create this property in each input mask in order to navigate properly.

You can also use the option ''.Use a dynamic property of the input mask'' to save the mask used on the document.