DXF color conversion :


This option converts drawing colors when converting to DXF.

Select initial and final color with this button

Choose initial color Choose final color


All black elements in the drawing will be converted to red in the DXF.


Explode blocks :

This option splits the blocks contained in the drawing.

Stand-alone note color :

Check this option to ignore color conversion for notes.

Multi-sheet drawing (DXF or DWG) :


When converting a drawing to DXF/DWG format, this option allows you to export :

  • Active sheet only: a DXF file containing only the active sheet of the selected drawing.
  • All sheets in separate files: one DXF/DWG file per sheet.
  • Named sheets in separate DXF/DWG documents.
  • Named sheets in a single DXF/DWG document.

When this option is selected, a window appears:



This warning window informs you that converted files must be renamed, so as not to generate the same name for all sheets. If DXF or DWG files are not renamed, each file will overwrite the previous one of the same name.

You can, at any time, check the "Don't show this message again" option to stop this window from appearing.

In the "General" menu, you can redisplay hidden messages.

  • Export all sheets in a single file: a DXF file containing all sheets in the selected drawing.