Once the extraction step is complete, this operation automatically imports all your modified property values from your Excel file.

In the example below, we value the "Author" property for all documents:


  • File location 

Once the Excel file has been modified, you can retrieve it by clicking on the

  • Formatting file data 

Sheet name Excel If your Excel file contains several sheets, you can use the drop-down menu to define which sheet you want to use for the operation.

Name of column containing file identifier You can define the column that indicates the path to files. The default name is "FileName".

Order of treatment This option allows you to choose whether you wish to analyze modifications from the Excel file and thus modify/open only those documents that have been modified (time-saving), or whether you wish to analyze all documents, even those that have not been modified.

Date" column names : allows you to specify the columns you want to insert as "Date" type

  • Configuration options

You can apply :

- properties on a configuration defined in Excel. Select the corresponding column from the drop-down menu. In most cases, the default is ConfigName

- document properties only

- document properties and all configurations

  • Results

Click on the "Apply" button to start importing properties.