Operation possible on drawings.

This operation creates, by copying an existing drawing, the drawings of all the files selected by changing references. The files are saved in a specific folder.

Example :

Saving all selected drawings uses the '' file as a template.Piston.slddrw''.

Selection 1: ''Specify a folder above for generated files''


The files will be saved in the '' directory.D:\Samples\180-Integration\Plans''.

In this case, we specify a folder without taking into account the renaming options.

Selection 2: ''Using the 'Option/Naming rules' program options


Visit plans will be saved in the '' directoryD:\Formation SW\Clients\Plans'' specified in the naming rules.

With this solution, you don't specify an export folder; the location will be defined in the options utility (Naming rules), as well as file naming rules.


The model can be a standard plan (with model represented) or an empty plan with predefined views.