
Checking this option allows you to resume the last project   (or list of conditions and operations) when you open the ''Integration'' utility.


Here we specify the default directory in which the projects . To select a directory, click on .


When a project is open with it will be added to the existing list of modification criteria.


When a process (project) is launched, you can force all SOLIDWORKS files already open to be closed. If, in addition, the '' boxRestart SOLIDWORKSIf '' is checked, you can force SOLIDWORKS to close every ''.N'' documents. When processing a large number of files, this resets all SOLIDWORKS parameters.


Checking this option releases the SOLIDWORKS process from memory each time the document is closed. Essential for processing large numbers of large files.


Selecting the type of color definition will have an impact on the choice made in condition color part or operation change part color.


Checking this option allows you to retrieve, for a property, either the '' contentEvaluated values(here Allied Steel) or the ''Value / Text expression'' (here ''SW-Material@Pièce1.SLDPRT'').

This option is checked by default.



Checking this option systematically adds a property ''.SaveByIntegration'' on all processed documents.