The banner of this window offers a number of functions.

  • The is used to initialize the list and start again from scratch. If a list is already present, the following message appears.


  • The icons are used to save a list of actions (or projects) to be executed on a regular basis. The extension of these saved files is ''.mcact''.
  • The opens a pre-registered list (or project) for editing or processing.
  • The creates an action with the folders ''Parameters'', ''Conditions'' with ''And'' ''Or'' (empty folders), ''Operations''.
  • The allows you to create a systematic action comprising the folders ''Parameters'', ''Conditions'' with ''And'' ''Or'', ''Operations''. This action automatically places a ''Systematic'' condition in the ''And'' folder. Of course, this condition can be removed later if it proves unnecessary.


  • The list of all actions can be ''Reduced'' or ''Expanded'' by pressing respectively on the icons and .


  • The icons and allow you to ''Check'' or ''Uncheck'' all actions, or you can check or uncheck a complete action or some conditions and/or operations to be ignored.


  • The deletes actions that have been ticked (definitive deletion).
  • The updates the selected property.
  • You can change the order in which actions, conditions or operations are executed. By selecting them and then pressing the "Up" and "Down" arrows.