Icon identification :

No need to open the document in SOLIDWORKS

No need to open the document in SOLIDWORKS (New)

Requires document to be opened in SOLIDWORKS

Requires document to be opened in SOLIDWORKS (New)

Conditions can be selected from the list. These conditions can be based on :

  • ''Property'' - existing or not - equal or different to a certain value etc ...
  • ''SOLIDWORKS'' - possibly by SOLIDWORKS version level
  • ''Configuration'' - existence of a particular configuration - number of configurations present in the document etc ...
  • ''Document'' - if the document is a part, assembly or drawing - if the document contains equations - if the name contains N characters etc. ...
  • ''Part'' - if the part contains N volumetric or surface bodies - if the part is a mechanically-welded structure etc. ...
  • ''Assembly'' - if the assembly contains N parts - N level(s) - a particular component etc. ...
  • ''Plan'' - if the drawing contains N sheet(s) - if sheet N is a particular format - if the drawing references a particular document etc. ...

Conditions can be slippery:

  • either in the '' folderAnd'' - in this case all conditions must be met to apply the operation
  • either in the '' folderOr'' - in this case not all conditions need to be met

All the conditions detailed below can be filed either in the "And" folder or in the "Or" folder.


When a condition is selected in the list of conditions, an icon indicates for which document(s) it will be taken into account:

Indicates that the condition is possible for Part, Assembly and Drawing documents.

Indicates that the condition is possible for Part, Assembly documents.

Indicates that the condition is only possible for Drawings documents.

Indicates that the condition is only possible for Parts documents.

Indicates that the condition is only possible for Assemblies documents.