The tool MarkFoldLines tests for the presence of at least one sheet-metal body, function ''.Sheet metal work'', in the room.

If not, a message appears.


Once the MarkFoldLines launched, there are two possible methods: 

  • Automatic processing of sheet metal bodies.

By choosing this method, the MarkFoldLines automatically detects whether the part has one or more bodies. It inserts shapes into all the folds listed, then removes the corresponding material.

If there is only one body, a single function is created comprising a sketch with the sketch blocks placed at the ends of the bend lines.


If the part has several bodies, the same cut is made on all the bending lines. By choosing this method, you cannot have different shapes on the bodies.


If you wish to have a different shape on each sheet metal body, select the'' method. Selection of bending linesand select the desired shape from the cutting options. This action must be performed on each sheet-metal body.

  • Selection of folding lines.

By choosing this method, the user selects the bending lines on which to position the sketch block to create the material removal. When this option is selected, MarkFoldLines automatically finds the number of sheet metal bodies to be processed.

    • If there is only one body, it will be automatically detected and unfolded. Simply select the folding line(s).



    • If the part comprises several sheet metal sections, MarkFoldLines automatically finds the number of sheet metal bodies to be processed. Select the body to be processed, then the bending line(s).



MarkFoldLines places the sketch blocks at the ends of the selected lines and removes the corresponding material.