The fourth dialog box concerns PDM document management.


In an environment SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM certain utilities allow you to copy and duplicate projects, and manage documents in relation to the PDM safe. We will indicate here what the tool should do.

  • Extract documents The action of selecting a directory or several files from a PDM vault means that the files must be extracted before being processed by the tool.
  • Archive documents at the end of processing When the tool has completed the requested processing, the files are archived in the PDM vault.
  • Replace version ... : Useful option since version 2017.
  • Add an archiving comment When archiving PDM documents after processing by the tool, you can add a directly definable comment in this input field. Example: BatchProperties - This indicates that archiving is performed using the BatchProperties tool.
  • Empty cache at end of processing Once the files selected in the PDM vault have been processed by the tool, the local cache can be cleared automatically.

If the myPDMtools has not yet been registered, you can do so by clicking on the "Register myPDMtools" button, and a dialog box will appear.