File selection
Right-click to :
- Add the active document to SOLIDWORKS (part or assembly).
- Select the files to be processed from the file explorer.
When the following message appears ...
... this means that :
- Or the part has no sheet metal functions (volume functions only).
- Either the part does include sheet metal functions, but the "List of welded parts" function has not been updated.
In the case of a part with several sheet metal bodies, these items will appear in the list. The different thicknesses will also be visible for each body. Multiple files can be selected by clicking on " ".Browse to add a document".
In the case of an assembly comprising components with sheet metal functions ...
... the list shows a construction tree identifying all the sheet metal parts contained in the various components of the assembly. It's then easy to check or uncheck the laser cut-outs to be taken into account for processing.
Column layout (add column, column width, properties, etc.) can be set in the options.
Depending on where the right mouse click is made, a context menu authorizes certain actions.