• You can specify the directory and name of the BOM export file. You can choose to use the name of the current BOM, or to create a new name using the renaming. This folder can be located locally or on the network, so that it can be shared with several workstations.


There are two possible solutions for choosing the location of Excel export files :

Either select a directory, or specify that the Excel file is to be exported to the assembly folder.

Finally, enter the character to be used as a column separator.


  • Format CSV This format is the most widely used, and creates a file for each BOM defined in the project. A character or string can be specified to separate the values. Once the file(s) have been opened, you can save them with any name you like.

Example with the separator ";".


Example with the separator "[TAB]".


Exporting the list of files generated by SmartBom in CSV format enables this list to be imported into the SelectFilesAndFolders of batch tools such as BatchProperties, BatchConverter, etc ...