• The first field to be filled in is the name of the document bundle settings file created by DocBundle.

The location of the bundle settings file cannot be changed via the options, the file *.mptdb of the bundle is created in the folder in which the right click was made.

It is still possible to move the file *.mptdb via Windows Explorer when DocBundle is closed.

  • The name and location of the bundle generation is configurable via the following fields:


This can be a location inside or outside the PDM vault.

The generation name and location can be changed using PDM variables in the bundle file. mptdb (see chapter: Field type).

  • In the case of creating a bundle in PDF format, it is possible to create a reference of the file *.mptdb to file *.pdf.


You just have to check the option: Create a reference from the destination file to the source file

This option can only be checked when generating a PDF file, so it will be grayed out with the : Create a folder and not taken into account when exporting out of the trunk.

  • Language: You can set the language of the document bundle independently of the language of myPDMtools.
  • Generation options :

         You can set the options for generating PDF or other files by setting the options for DocPublication.

       The options will be specific to the bundle of documents