1. With a bundle in the format PDFThere are two options available, it is possible:

  • Either to request the generation of existing files.


The name of the files can then be parameterized using PDM variables, for example, you will find more information in the chapter Field type

With this option:

The icon of the files that can be generated will be

The icon for files that cannot be generated will be

In this example, we will keep the name of the source file.

  • Either to recover existing PDF files (generated with an DocPublication for example) :



In this case, you must specify the name and location of the PDF files to be searched.

Both parameters can be set via PDM variables (Field type)

With this option:

The icon of the recovered PDF files will be  

The icon for PDF files that cannot be generated will be  

The icon for PDF files not found will be  

The result will then be a PDF bundle containing all the files from the different groups.

2. With a bundle in the form Create a folder, options are added:



  • An additional option allows you to retrieve source files in the format present in PDM

       For example, files can be exported directly to the DWG format present in PDM.

  • An additional option allows to choose the export format of SOLIDWORKS files

Since the bundle will be created as a folder, it is possible to generate the files in different export formats, these formats are automatically updated according to the contents of the folders, for example, 3D parts files can be exported in the following formats :


Also, it will not be possible to add incompatible files to a group in which the format cannot be generated.

For example, it is not possible to add SOLIDWORKS assembly files to a group set up for DXF export.


The option Merge all PDFs of the group into one file is only available with the PDF export format.

With this option:

The icon of the miscellaneous files to be generated will be

The icon for miscellaneous files not found will be

Thus, it is possible to set up each group individually, for example :

Sheet metal parts can be generated in the format DXF, plans in the format PDF and other 3D SOLIDWORKS files in the format SAT.