• Always use the same printer: 

- Printer :

Select your printer from the drop-down menu.

The option is automatically checked when your printer is compatible.

The button allows you to access all the options of your printer.

- Print scale :

Select the option Scale at best or Custom Scale for all selected documents.

- Orientation:

Select a print orientation for all selected documents.


The option Automatic allows you to automatically manage the orientation of your documents.

The button saves all settings made for the selected printer.

  • Define printers according to formats :

This option allows you to define a printer for each paper size.


- Definition of the format and printer :

Selection of the format in the drop-down menu.


Choice of printer for this format.


Set the scale, print and orientation options (See above)

Store the settings for each format selected with the button .

Perform the same manipulation for the other formats, always following the same pattern:

- Format selection.


- Choice of options.

- Saving the printer and options for the selected format .