To create an outsourcing, simply launch the tool on a SOLIDWORKS document from the PDM Explorer:


The PDMOutsourcing window will then appear:


This is the location defined in the PDM options:

If the administrator has allowed it, it is possible to select the type of export:


The user can also automatically add the project plans:


Warning: PDMOutsourcing retrieves child documents except for plans

It is possible to find a document using the search tool and the arrows that allow you to move through the results (this is a search of the type contains and the Cass is not taken into account):


These options allow to group or develop everything:


With these buttons it is also possible to check or uncheck everything:


The columns allow to visualize several information related to the outsourced documents such as the name, the type, the extraction information, the locations, the status, the destination paths and finally a comment specific to PDMOutsourcing:


To manually declare a document as unmodifiable, the user just has to uncheck it, the document's components will be automatically unchecked and therefore unmodifiable:


At the bottom of the tool window, you can see the number of documents to be copied by type:


Documents of type Other (PDF, Word...) are represented by this icon

When you click on Externalize, if a folder already exists in the planned location, you will be prompted to automatically increment the folder name: