Non-modifiable files
The PDMOutsourcing tool automatically selects files that cannot be modified by the external provider.
To add conditions, check the option:
The tool then allows you to add conditions by clicking on:
A window invites you to set the condition:
You must then fill in the name and an optional description:
There are then two types of conditions:
- Location:
You just have to select the folder that contains the documents that cannot be modified by the subcontractor using the button
Then you simply select the file:
It is possible to automatically include the components of the subfolders by checking the option:
- Variable:
We can also declare non-modifiable all the documents of which a variable does not respect the equality condition.
You just have to fill in the variable to be tested with the variable concatenation tool by clicking on
There are 4 conditions of equality:
You can then define a value in fixed, or usethe variable concatenation tool by clicking on to set the equality condition:
All referenced documents whose rules are true cannot be checked and will therefore be automatically unmodifiable in the outsourcing: