Using Favorites :  

If the user wishes to use a previously created favorite, simply select it from the drop-down list.

The different search criteria will be automatically reloaded.

  • To create a new search favorite, simply click on
  • To save a new favorite, select a location and add one or more variables to refine the search, then click on . A file name is then requested.
  • To delete a search favorite, select it and click on .

  • The number of favorites that can be created is limited to 20.

If a favorite was loaded, PDMSearch asks if a backup should be made.

A dialog box prompts the user to save the information.


  - Enter the name of the favorite.

- Define whether this search is or .

A message indicates that the backup has been successfully completed and the favorites list is updated. In the case of a search Private The name of the user who created the favorite appears in brackets.