DocPublication andTaskActions are tools that are used with PDM tasks, to create or set up a task, consult the available help here

Task of adding documents to a list:

This list can be filled by a myPDMtools task of type : Add documents to a list

This task will add the files to be processed to a selected list (which may already contain files waiting to be processed).

This task can be triggered from the context menu or in the workflow .


Go to the next step to set up the list:



Now select an existing list from the drop-down menu or create a new list by clicking on then fill in:


Check Add context menu to add files to the list from Windows Explorer:


If two identical files in different versions are added to the list, they can be processed independently by checking the option:


You can also add to a list of files to be processed from the toolsPDMSearch, AdvancedBOM 

Task of processing documents from a list:

The planning mode allows you to process a list containing all the documents to be processed.


To enable scheduling, check the option and restart the task as requested:

Select the previously created list


It is possible not to empty the list of files automatically after processing by checking the option:


Triggering the task:

To trigger the task, the PDM planning tab must be set:

When the task is triggered, all the files in the list will be processed and exported with the options defined in the task