Xml file format for ERP return
Here is the format of the XML file supported by PDM Gateway, to process the ERP return.
The XML file must have the following tag in the document header :
PDM Gateway will search in PDM, the documents concerned by the return of the ERP.
To do this, he will analyze each base PRODUCTusing the following 2 sub-tags:
The attribute value must contain the name of the file concerned by the ERP return. The file name can be with or without extension.
The attribute value contains the configuration concerned by the ERP return. It is possible to specify a particular configuration, or all configurations by putting an empty string.
PDM Gateway will be able to handle 2 cases in the ERP return.
- Process of the success of the operation on the ERP side:
The attribute error has the value OK.
The variables defined in the FIELD are updated in the document.
- Error processing of the operation on the ERP side:
The attribute error has the value KO.
The value of the attribute reason is put in the PDM Gateway log file.
The variables defined in the FIELD are not processed.