This interface allows you to :

  • Retrieve the locations defined in the SOLIDWORKS general options. These locations correspond to the folders in which you save custom profiles (SLDLFP).
  • To define the contents of the Name and Designation columns differently if the SLDLFP file contains one or more configurations. several possible cases :

The file contains a single :

  • Option checked :

The Name column displays the folder + file name without extension, while the Designation column displays the file name without extension.

  • Option unchecked :

The Name column will display the file name without extension + the configuration name, while the Designation column will display the value of the property defined in the options. If this property does not exist, the configuration name will be used as Designation.

Example of an imported table :


PS: Cross-sections, weights per meter and densities are calculated using SOLIDWORKS during import.

The units correspond to those defined in the profile file document properties (SLDLFP).