Entity selection
In entity selection mode, all SOLIDWORKS entities can be selected.
There are 5 types of entity selection:
Selection of individual 2D or 3D sketch entities or 3D geometries.
2D or 3D sketch selection.
Selection of the outer contours of a face.
Selection of the inner contours of a face.
Selection of a contiguous chain of entities.
Once an entity selection type has been selected, the following selection filters can be activated or deactivated:
Summation of 3D geometries and 2D and 3D sketch entities.
2D or 3D sketch points.
2D or 3D sketch lines and 3D geometry.
2D or 3D sketch and 3D geometry circles.
Circular arcs for 2D or 3D sketches and 3D geometry.
2D or 3D sketch and 3D geometry ellipses.
Arc centers of 2D or 3D sketch ellipses and 3D geometries.
Deactivate all filters.
Activate all filters.
Individual entity selection and 2D or 3D sketching
all filters are available.
Selection of outer contours and inside of one face
only the following filters can be used.
In entity chain selection It is not possible to apply a selection filter.
On the other hand, with this type of selection (Chain of entities) and only with this type of selection it is possible to use the "Select loop" function, available by right-clicking on an entity.
Example of selections:
- Selection of individual entities
3D coordinates can be obtained for both sketch lines and model edges. In this mode, selecting a sketch line or edge automatically creates a coordinate annotation at each end of the selection.
- A selection of sketches
Only sketches are selectable; selecting a sketch automatically creates all points or end points contained in the sketch.
- In outer contour selection
Only the ends of the outer contour of the face are created.
- Interior contour selection
Only the edges inside the face will be annotated; if they are circular entities, then the coordinates will correspond to the centers of the circles.
In entity chain selection
Only contiguous entities can be selected.
If the selection is not contiguous, a warning message appears.