Conditions can be nested in the '' folders.Orto create groups of conditions. In fact, conditions deposited on a condition already present in the '' folderOr'' will be considered as a condition'' And''.


- ''If a property exists'': ''Item_Code'' (drag this condition into the '' folderOr'').

- ''If the number of characters in the value is equal'' to ''4'' (Drag this condition into the '' folderOr'' on the first condition).

- ''If a property exists'': ''Finish'' (drag this condition into the '' folderOr'').

- ''If the number of characters in the value'' is equal to ''3'' (Drag this condition into the '' folderOr'' on the second condition).

This gives :


If the property ''Item_Code'' exists and that its value is equal to 4 characters.


If the property ''Finish'' exists and that its value is equal to 3 characters.

Then the operation will be applied.